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Monday, September 28, 2015

Here for another six

Tomorrow is the transfer, and our district leader called Sunday to say that I'm getting transferred to another mission. Just kidding. Elder Rodrigues and I are here in Cohab Juscelino for at least another 6 weeks, which is good because I feel like I just got to know the area! I'm excited to see what experiences yet the Lord has for me here!

More firsts from this week: I knew from Mariokart that banana peels are textbook items to slip on, but I learned that orange peels are just as effective.... I nearly died, and Elder Rodrigues nearly died of laughter. I also learned that when some people don't have a collar or leash but want to walk their dogs, apparently an extension cord is a functional alternative... real thing, I saw a lady with a power cord tied around it's neck walking down the street. Who knew?

I still feel like my Portuguese isn't getting better,  but it must be because I can finally understand what people say most of the time... at least I think so... It's getting easier to know when people are talking to me or not, which was something I totally didn't know when I got here... Elder Rodrigues doesn't have to say "Elder!" as much, because I just got pretty used to assuming the conversation didn't involve me until someone got my attention because it was just so difficult to make any sense of the sounds floating in one ear and out the other haha... One thing I'm really looking forward to is when I can use humor in Portuguese.... I miss making other people laugh like I'm used to, so I've learned to cope by telling myself jokes and making myself laugh... It's semi-pitiful, but it feels good to have your humor appreciated by at least one person, even if that person is yourself heh heh...

One cool thing they do here in Brazil for people leaving on missions is called a "Bota Fora" (translated roughly to mean a "kicking-out" party). Basically it entails spiritual thoughts on missionary work and sharing of testimonies, then lots of delicious food and festivity like only Brazilians know how. It was super fun! 2 of the members from the ward are entering the CTM on October 14, which is super exciting because it's a pretty small ward. One of them, Natanael, goes out with us at least once a week, and he's been a member of the church for less than 2 years. He is so awesome, and I'm going to miss him a ton because other than Elder Rodrigues, he's the only other person I've really spenta bunch of time with while I've been here.

This weekend is General Conference, and I don't think I've ever been more excited. I want to invite everyone to think about some questions you really want answers to or reaffirmation of things you're struggling with, write them down, then go listen to the words of the living prophet of God. Seriously, don't miss this opportunity. I promise that you won't come away from Conference uninspired if you prepare this week to recieve, and then apply the teachings of Christ through His prophet, President Thomas S. Monson! 

I love you all!

Elder Merrill

Sorry it's mainly just a bunch of pictures with this kitten, it was just so cute and tiny and so now you can be jealous of the cuteness

Bota Fora de Fernanda and Natanael (that looks like my thumbs up, but it isn't haha)

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