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Monday, September 21, 2015

Looking up


Wow, this week was full, I just will share a tiny part.

So I had corn flavored ice cream for the first time.... it was pretty good... the best way to describe it is like the buttered popcorn jelly beans but better... that just made it sound kinda gross, but trust me, it was good.

After weeks and weeks of not being able to get anyone to come to church with us, we broke the drought! We planned on going by the houses of 10 investigators that said they would come, and so yesterday morning we went on divisions to cover more ground. Every single person I and Sebastião went by was either sleeping or gone, but Elder Rodrigues and Natanael (a young man from the ward) showed up with one! Even though we weren't able to get everyone, we were blessed to have at least somebody come. It was great. We were so happy.

The coolest experience I've had here so far was on Saturday. We were able to go to the temple with the ward, but stayed outside because we brought an investigator, the dad of one of the young men who is leaving on his mission in 3 weeks. It was amazing to just be on the grounds and feel that we were in a special place, but it was more amazing still when we went into the waiting room of the temple and teach a lesson on the amazing blessing of an eternal family. He said he really wants prepare to enter and be sealed to his family one day The Spirit was so strong, and we could all just feel the power and sacredness of the Lord's holy house that we were in. It was such a sweet moment, and I know that all of us can truly enjoy that feeling every time we go to the temple, and I am immensely grateful to be truly sealed to my family for eternity.

I feel your love every single day, and I love you all sooo much!

Elder Merrill

Elevator in a chapel that had a mirror.... why not take a picture?

Temple with the young men and our investigator

Sebastião, our lider da missão da ala

Parque that we went to for P-day today

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